Friday, August 23, 2013

Rahul Gandhi Failed as Youth Icon: Analysis

Now a days debates on Narendra Modi and Rahul Gandhi are on. Every youth who have internet access, enjoying the phase of political war between BJP and Congress. Discussion among youth are in peak for prime ministerial candidature of both the parties.

NaMo is prime candidate for PM post from BJP while RG is top runner from Congress. Narendra Modi is being listened very carefully by the audiences. Audiences has both side pro and anti Modi. While RG is also been listened very carefully by both Pro and Anti Rahul people. But One question comes in the mind then why Rahul Gandhi is trailing to Narendra Modi? While RG is more younger then NaMo but youth is behind NaMo.

I will try to figure out some points and analysis regarding the failure of Rahul Gandhi. There are several reason. During the Parliamentary election 2009, RG had very nice fan following. People were happy with him but what happened now in 2014.

1. Media Appearance: Rahul Gandhi does not have media appearance for addressing the issues. He never address issues naturally. He always addresses the issues in the pressure of opposition.

2. Lack of New Ideas: Rahul Gandhi is playing statements regarding the cast, religion politics. He did not present any new idea for country which satisfy the youth of the country. Youth and People want new example and methods to solve the problem. Because In the age of internet everyone know what is the problem? You must have solution idea for problem.  Solution idea may correct or incorrect.

3. Absence in the Internet Tools: Rahul Gandhi does not have any account in Twitter, Facebook, Google+ etc. These are platforms where communication can be done very easily and effectively. He is not using these resource to interact with youth and people.

    4.  Interaction with People vie Middle Man: Rahul Gandhi does not interact with youth and people directly. Ajay Makan Ji is media representator. He does not have sense of sensitivity. Ajay Makan Ji tries to play by Data. Data is good for conferences. It may not work on ground zero. Everything is being conveyed by Ajay Makan ji. While internet tools like twitter, facebook are click away to Rahul Gandhi.

   5. Missed the Opportunities: Rahul Gandhi had so many opportunities before 2014 but unfortunately he missed the all. He had Lokpal Bill, Baba RamDev mishandling, Nirbhaya Rape case mishandling, Inflation, corruption, Uttrakhand Calamity and many other issues. But RG had missed all.

  6. Extra Ordinary Team: Rahul Gandhi has extra ordinary team. His team logic less statements would be one of the main reasons for his lose. Dig Vijay Singh, Manish Tewari, Renuka Choudhari, Beni Prasad Verma, Shakeel Ahmad, Shushul Kumar Shindhe and many more will be sinking ship heroes. They are   spoiling Rahul Gandhi vote bank with futile old election logics.

   7. Reluctance for Country:  He never said any statement for country related issues. He says, I am strengthening the congress organization. It disappointed youth of the country. He must share his views. Parties are for country, country is not party.

    8. Family History:  Today’s youth is not impressed with Jawahar Lal Nehru policies. Youths has impression that current crisis of Kashmir ,corruption, china, dependence on foreign country are created by Jawahar Lal Nehru. And He is giving impression of Jawahar Lal Nehru.

9. Excessive Media Attention: Rahul Gandhi get excessive attention  of media. Narendra Modi also gets but He is being criticized also.  Rahul Gandhi never been criticized by Media. This is also a negative part for his marketing. Youth things that Media is sold to Rahul Gandhi. It looks, Media has obligation and consideration for Rahul Gandhi.

     10. Man Mohan Singh Ji:  Finally, Man Mohan Singh Ji will be one the biggest reason for Rahul Gandhi lose. Man Mohan Singh Ji never addresses the issue to Bharatiya people. He does not show aggression for Bhartiya Soldiers protections. He has depreciated the value of congress. If congress wins, Rahul Gandhi could be the successor of Man Mohan Singh and  Successor could inherit the property of the predecessor. It will be disastrous if person like Man Mohan singh will be the PM of Bharat again. People would try to avoid the current type PM again.

Rahul Gandhi must fill all these gaps to compete with Narendra Modi.

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