Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Food Security Bill: Disaster

 Food Security Bill has been passed in Parliament on 26-Aug-2013. Various speeches has been given by our leaders.  Everyone knows the fact that Bill is Vote Security Bill as said by Dr. Murli Manohar. Sonia Gandhi said this will created history. On Tuesday history has been created by Bill. Rupya has lost all time low and one day highest  downgrade. Market is  lower to psychological level of 17000 thousand  . Clever P Chidambaram distributing his statement  for  free but nobody is taking. BJP, SP are opposing the bill  but finally due to vote, they  have supported the bill. This is stomach upset for middle class people. I have concerns regarding the future impact of the bill. I would like to point out few of them.

1.       FSB will increase the Liquor or other addiction consumption: In the Bill, If Poor People will not get any food from the government outlets (due to various reasons) then money will transferred to their Bank account directly.  Now People don’t have any work but People have money so what they will do. They may begin  more consumption of   Liquor or other addiction.

2.       FSB will waste the Man Power: Any human works for food and money. Human tendency is,  If He will get free food and money then Why He should  work? There is question of producing the work. As we know that, in India 65 %  are youth. If Indian precious youth will get food for free , they will not develop any skill. Man Power will be waste completely.

3.       FSB will increase black Marketing: I am 100 % sure, FSB is created to increase black marketing. This subsidized food will not received by  poor. This will be sold to Middle Men by Sarpanch, Sachivs and other People. At corruption front. It will beat earlier all the scams. I am 100% sure.

4.       Suicide  for Farmers: MNarega has killed the farmers. MNarega was created to kill the farmers.  Earlier MNarega, Labor were cheap and they work hard to get work done. After MNarega , Labor is not  cheap and Labor don’t concentrate on the work. Work of 2 days is being done on 3 days. Government can afford this because Parliamentarian don’t pay by their pockets. But what about farmers. They have to pay.

5.       FSB will increase Crime Activity: I know very old proverb “ Khali Dimag Shaitan ka Ghar”. The English version of the proverb is  “Empty mind devils home”. Free poor people have consumed liquor or other means. Work a day in the month. What he will do. Nothing. Will start staring  at Girls at squares, Snatching chains. This will directly impact rapes ration. Free Poor man will watch TV and other adult content which could provoke them. After the raps Parliamentarian would tear on the body of raped girls.

6.       New age free distribution scheme: At the time of Nehru, Jeep scam were placed by some Indian. He had been freed from all the charges. That incidence had started threads in India. Now that plant has grown to tree and Indian People are suffering and politicians are enjoying. This scheme will also create history Like Jeep Scam.

7.       More Bangala Deshi will be Indian Citizen:  Every one of us know that BangalaDeshi get Freak Rashan Card and the identity proof in easy manner.  So They will have  Indian Citizen ship and will eat food for free and get money for free.

Thanks Sonia ji For creating the History

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