Monday, July 6, 2020

Free Education from License

INDIA,  a hub of education since ancient time. As claimed by many historian, India an best education system in world. It had produced high quality students, who had worked for world peace and welfare. There is number  of examples available.

Education system was not govern by any license. Entire system was based on quality. Teacher with knowledge  can teach without any fear and license. His responsibility to produce good quality education.

What is happening in current days, If a person want to  teach. He has following two option

1. Open Coaching Classes
2. Open School.

1. Open Coaching Classes: As the education system weaken and English medium school grown. Student IQ level decreased. After the school classes, they need backup of coaching classes.   A single person can open coaching classes, teach    quality education but can not provided degree. Now a days best and quality education is provided by coaching not schools. Coaching institutes are well, I always appreciate them. They are in open competition with quality of education not other pointer like college building and facility. They can concentrate only on education.

2. Open School:  in Last twenty years, Hardly any teacher has open any famous college. The big universities, schools are opened by business tycoons. I say only 10 % of them actually teaching for nation building and quality of education. Rest of them are teaching for money.

To produce quality education, it must be free from license raj.  As bussiness can be open in with partnership and proprietor y, why educational institution can  be open with proprietory.

Teacher must allow for free Teaching, Open and Individual competition in the field of education



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