Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Why Religious conversion are being done?

I am a Hindu means I follow the rituals of my ancestor’s according the methods of Bharat. These rituals contains different festival celebration, cremation activities, birth ritual, marriage ritual, agricultural rituals, sports ritual and many more according to Hindu methods. These rituals are different in different regions in Bharat. Even two families have different rituals. No one forces each other to adopt the same rituals for one. It adopts the logic no one is same in the world. According to geographical and climate compulsions these ritual are being created. These rituals are used to help to maintain joy and courage of life.  These advantageous rituals became Dharma (Religion).  

We have various religions in the world. Few of have vanished and few of them exists still. Each religion has its own way of life (Ritual) which suits surrounding environments conditions. Each religion has its own literature and central source of energy. Central source of Energy is known by different names. Objective every religions is same. Keep life happy, joyful, healthy and peaceful. 

In Bharat various organizations exists of all the religions. Who preaches and spreads their religion.  Then doubt comes in my mind. Why these religious conversions are done? What is the need to have these Regions conversions? What will be gained by these Religious conversions? These questions blasted my mind several times.  

I tried to get these answer from different people.  People answer’s are like you will get heaven, god will give you joy and courage many more statements. We could have written several books on such preaching. In my opinion, Religious conversions have nothing with religions. Main aim of religious conversion are concerned with power full countries economics.  Religion has great impact on economics of the country directly. 

Religious conversion has become medium for Power full countries. They had tried to rule other countries by power. But the method is failed. Therefore alternative solution, they got is Religious conversion. They slowly enter into religiously different country like Bharat. They start conversion.  I would try to explain my opinion with following example.

I am Hindu means  
     1.   My pilgrimages  will be in Bharat [Tourism Industry].
     2.   I will wear dhoti and other Bhartian dresses  [Textile Industry].
      3.  I will travel by Bhartian means like Bullok card [Transportation Industry]
      4.  I will eat Bhartian Food like  Dal, Rice and other Bhartian Food [Hospitality   Ind]
      5.  I would prefer Bhartian Medical Science  Ayurved [Medical Industry].
      6.  I would wear Bhartian Shoes( Khadaon ) [Shoes Industry].
      7.  I will cook food in earthen,  copper, Peetal etc.  utensil.  [Domestic  Industry ]
      8.  I will serve the foods which are described in religious book. [Fruit Industry]
      9.  I will use Bhartian agriculture methods for agriculture [Agriculture Industry] 
      I have given very small example. Now I have religiously converted in religion X  of  Country Z. Above calculation would be changed 100%. All the these consumption Industry would not be profit to Bharat. All these money would be directed to country Z. It will be economical boom  for country Z. All the money people of Bharart earns, they will be spend in country Z. Country Z will become rich while Bharat will become poor. Bharat has to  see to country Z for everything.  Our Bharat will be dependent on country Z. Bharat will be no free country. Country Z will suck bharat. We have various examples like USA, Somaliya, Indonesia, Canada, Australia etc.. All these countries were invaded by European and Arab countries. 

Bharat – India
Bhartian - Indian

Disclaimer: This article does not intend to annoy any country or religion. I have just kept my thoughts and opinion about religious conversion.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Free Food Schemes will eat Future of Bharat ( Like Mid Day Meal)

This scheme was to serve the poor child of the poor  parents. Scheme is very ambitious to bring the children Government school for study. These children could  not be educated by their parents due to their financial  incapability. If people see scheme as Nation education elevator. It look very useful scheme. Is really been implemented for same logical reason. 

I question about scheme irrespective reason. Actually Scheme was to produce political advantages. So once elections  are over, schemes quality is down. I will not waste so much time to criticize the scheme common political mode. 

Mid Day meal Tragedy happened in Bihar’s Saran district on July 16.  The news is very much unfortunate and disturbing. Media has got news to scroll in TV channel. Parties have got issue to fight with each other.  Debater's  are debating in  news channel for feeding poisons’ food. 

Media and Politician are not concentrating how these futile scheme are eating glorious future of Bharat. Each dying child is by such a heinous act is very much dangerous for Bharat. These are useless schemes which must be stopped immediately. Inquiry is not a solution because each political party would have  their political conspiracy and interest.  

Centralized system for distribution of food will not be successful ever. Food of these children are sold to dairies. Worst quality food are being supplied to aganwadi karyakarata. This became earning for local small leaders of every political party.  

One more important aspect of this distribution food scheme is affecting the quality of education in these government schools.  Teachers are busy for cooking food and ensuring that meal is of good quality. They can not spare time to teach the children. Teacher’s are not cooking experts. They have been recruited to teach but now they are cooking. Government is  ditching to teachers.   Due to this Quality of education is degraded.

Affect of this substandard quality of education became life line for expensive private schools. Private school are charging fees like East India Company but Teachers are these schools are not paid enough salaries.  Therefore they enforce students to take personal tuition from the teacher at their home. This has also downgraded the respect for teachers. Parents has to pay in School as well as tuition. They are bearing such expense for child's bright future.  Where are we going.

In all my conclusion, School is to be made for education not to meal the students. It will rot the entire primary education  system of the Bharat and Bharat bright future will be in dark. Politician would have to face this dire situation too. They can not be safe alone in the system because they are in the system . We have seen various instances where politically rotted system has destroyed politicians too. 

These schemes are running in same manner in every state of Bharat. No monitoring are being done and as well as monitoring is not possible(As I have seen many real life examples) . It has ate quality of education everywhere in Bharat.

Such Pathetic scheme of distributing free food in Government schools must be stopped immediately.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Types of Join (Oracle)

In Database, Join is an important concepts. Join is used to connect two or more tables and produce the results together.  These tables are connected by common column. I would not go into deep to explain join of the table. Blog will concentrate on "Type of the Join". I will try to cover all the type of the join in Oracle.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Why Advocates and Judges wear Black Coats

 odhy dkyk dksVZ D;ksa igurss gS A (Why Advocates and Judges wear Black Coats)

यह छोटा प्रष्न है, जिसका उत्तर बहुत सारे वकीलो के पास भी सही सही नहीं है । यह वकीलो के लिये भी बडा ही दुख दायी है जिसका दुख समय समय वह व्यक्त करते रहते है । कई वकील प्रष्न को मजाक में लेते है और कई इसे उनकी असमिता पर गहरा आघात समझतें है । कई इसे समान्य प्रष्न समझ कर छोड देते है । वकीलो का अधिकतर समुदाय इस कश्टकारक, षरीर से लिपटे हुये, अउपयोगी, भारी वस़्त्र से सदैव के लिये छुटकारा पाना चाहते है ।

यह काला कोट गर्मियों में श्राप के समान है जिसे भेागना ही पडता है । यह कोट गर्मियों में बहुत ही पसीना एवं दुर्गध युक्त हो जाता है । जिससे वकीलो के वासिंग पावडर एवं परफयूम का खर्चा बड जाता है । इससे गर्मियों मे अपच की संभावना बड जाती है । इसकी दुर्गंध का मुख्य पिडित इनका गा्रहक होता है जो न तो इनके पास जा सकता है और न ही दूर । परन्तु कोट के कारण ही यह अनचाहे लोगो से बडी ही आसानी से छुटकारा  पा लेते है । परफयूम कम्पनीयों पर वकीलो बहुत कृपा होने का कारण यही है, किसी भी परफयूम के विज्ञापन पर वकीलो स्थान नही दिया जाता है, इसके लिये मेरी सहानुभूति वकीलों के साथ है ।

आजादी के 65 वर्शो के बाद भी न्याय के लिये लडने वालो को इस विदेषी एवं अवैज्ञानिक वेश भूशा से छुटकारा नही मिल पाया है । यह विचार एकदम सही है कि वकीलों के लिये यूनीफार्म होना चाहिये पर यह भारत के वातावरण के अनुसार होना चाहिये न कि इंग्लेंड के वातावरण के अनुसार । देष के सारे वकील मिलकर इस कुप्रथा का अंत कर सकते है, परन्तु इसक लिये इच्छा षक्ति की आवष्यता चाहिये, जो उनमे कूट कूट कर भरी है ।  इस विशय पर केरला उच्च न्यायालय में पिटीषन भी लगाया जा चुका है ।

काले कोट पर वरिश्ट वकीलों की राय

1 उज्जवल निकम  (Special Public Prosecutor, Government of Maharashtra)  

  मै गर्मी के दिनों में भी  काला कोट पहनता हूॅ, यह मुम्बई में बहुत ही असहज है ।

2 वंदना चवन ;म्ग.उंलवत व िच्नदमद्ध  (Ex-mayor of Pune)

   काला कोट माईक्रो वेव ओवन की तरह  है ।

3 डाॅ राजन टी0 डी 0  (A Mumbai-based consultant specialist in skin )

   भारतीय न्यायपालिकाओं पर काम का बहुत दबाव होता है जिसे कोट और भी खतरनाक बना देते है ।

Amartya Sen Pro US (On Narendra Modi)

I read Amartya Sen in Todays(23-Jul-2013) Dainik Bhasker in front page. Amartya Sen is a novelist economist. He is blind supporter of Man Mohan Singh ji. Both are pro United States American. Amartya Sen statement on Narendra Modi is very dissapoiting. Amartya sen a non political person expressing his political motivated views.  India economy is worst phase, Shri Amartya Sen does not have any views to express on GDP. 

Amartya Sen's statement is chapter of a series trap which are written and produce by Congress. It will addition to pages of Ram Chandra Guha and Markandeya Katju. Amratya Sen does not understand difference between food and data. If graphs are growing up means people are getting food(All economist theory) . Amartya Sen as Indian does not convey his view on Food Secuirty Bill.  It shows how much he is patriotic about Indians.

Now, Amartya Sen statement "I personaly do not want see him as Prime Miniter because He is communical." Amartya Sen ji NaMo will not be your PM. He will be PM for country People. He has served well in Gujrat and We hope, He will be better to serve the conntry. He must get at least one chance to prove himself.   

I was not fan of Narendra Modi. Even I was not know his name before. Critics have brought him in light that provoked the people to know more about him.  I wonder how NaMo has implemented his view, vision to help the people the gujrat. Namo has next five year plan for development. While current Central Government does not have plans for next five days. Every day FM  P Chidambaram changes his policies for Foreign investment. Central Government  is showing Bharat is poor country and  inviting  US and UK for looting. I know support NaMo means political untouchability and will not be treated as secular. But I am ready to this experiment. 

 I personally never support him because I think he is pro US like Man Mohan Singh.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

GauMata Vs Buffalo

 प्रिय मित्रों,
यह बहुत ही दुख की बात है कि दूध के मूल्य का निर्धारण उसके फेट के आधार पर होता है न कि उसकी गुणवत्ता के आधार पर। गाय का दूध भैस की तुलना में बहुत अधिक गुणकारी होता है । गाय के दूध को स्नेह पदार्थ भी कहा जाता है क्योंकि वह केवल बछडे को स्नेह करते समय ही निकलता है जबकि भैंस का दूध किसी भी अवस्था निकाला जा सकता है । हमने भैंस एवं गाय के दूध कुछ अंतर तो स्पष्ट किये है परन्तु  भैंस एवं गाय के दूध में अनंत अन्तर होते है जिस पर आधुनिक समय मे कई प्रकार की शोध हो रहे है । गाय की तुलना मे भैंस का मूत्र उपयोगी नहीं होता है । भैंस का गोबर भी गाय के तुलना बहुत कम गुणकारी होता है । स्पष्ट है कि भैस के गोबर में लक्ष्मी माता नहीं विराजिती है । इसमें कुछ निम्न है

इसका दूध दो घंटो में पच जाता है ।
इसका दूध नौ घंटो में पच जाता है ।
गाय के दूध मे आयोडीन होता है । जो कि अत्यंत पाचक अवस्था में होता है ।
भैंस  के दूध मे आयोडीन नही होता है ।
गाय का दूध वात, पित्त, कफ नाशक होता है ।
भैंस का दूध भारी भरकम, कफ एवं वायु को बढाने वाला एवं आलस्य पैदा करने वाला होता है ।
गाय के दूध मे सोना तत्व की मात्रा बहुत होती है ।
भैंस के दूध मे सोना तत्व की मात्रा नहीं होती है ।
यू0 वी0 किरणेा का गाय के दूध पर कोई प्रभाव नहीं होता है ।
यू0 वी0 किरणेा से भैंस का  दूध प्रभावित ं होती है ।
गाय के दूध, मख्खन, छाॅंछ एवं घी  मे शरीर मे निर्माण होने वाले जहरीले रासायनिक पदार्थ शरीर के बाहर पसीने माध्यम से निकालने की अद्भुत क्षमता होती है ।
यह क्षमता भैंस के व्दारा उत्पादित  होने वाले उत्पाद मे नही होती है ।

Krishana and Gaumata

श्री कृश्ण  एवं गौमाता
श्री कृश्ण  के जीवन का गाय का महत्व हम सभी जानते है । गौमाता ने पग पग पर श्री कृश्ण को सुरक्षा एवं बल प्रदान किया है । इस लेख मे उन्ही कुछ घटनाओं का वर्णनन है । श्री कृश्ण   के जन्म होते ही गौमाता का महत्व प्रारंभ हो गया था । श्री कृश्ण  के जन्म होने पर वासुदेव जी ने दस हजार गायों को दान देने का प्रण किया । श्री कृश्ण  वृदावन में रहते थे , उसे गोश्ठा कहा जाता है, गोश्ठा में एक करोड गायों का निवास होता है ।

पूतना से सर्वजगत परिचित है, पूतना प्रकरण के पष्चात् श्री कृश्ण को गौमूत्र से स्नान कराया गया था । उनके माथे पर गौ गोबर का तिलक किया गया था । गौधूल को सम्पूर्ण देह पर लपेटा गया था । इस प्रकार गौ व्दारा कृश्ण की रक्षा की गई थी । 

श्री कृश्ण ने जब चलना प्रारंभ किया तो वह खिलौनो के बजाय गौषाला में बछडों के साथ खेला करते थे  एवं पृथ्वी पर कृश्ण जन्म गौ सेवक के रूप  में हुआ है।  एवं उन्होने अपनी लीलाओं के व्दारा यह संदेष दिया कि हमारे जीवन मे गाय का कितना महत्व है । श्री कृश्ण  गौ सेवा मे इतने लीन थे कि उन्होने यषोदा मईया से सारी गईयों के लिये खडाउ बनवाने के लिये कहा था । एवं यषोदा माता व्दारा मना करने पर वे स्वयं भी वन मे बिना खडाउ के गायों को चराने के लिये जाया करते थे । 

श्री कृश्ण   ने माता यषोदा से कहा कि कृश्ण    अवतार उन्होने केवल गैासेवा करने के लिये लिया है । क्योकि जब वह राम थे तब वह गाय सेवा से मन नहीं भर पाये थे ।

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Manish Sanodiya ki Shadi

प्रिय मित्रों,
                           आषीश के विवाह के बाद मेरा लक्ष्य मनीश सनोडिया की षादी मे उपस्थिति देना था । मेरी टेन जबलपुर से सुबह 12 बजे थी । मैने समान्य टिकट लिया और मै भोपाल के लिये निकल पडा । दो घंटे की यात्रा मुझे खडे खडे करनी पडी जो बहुत कश्ट दायक रही ।  संध्या को साढे छ बजे मै भोपाल पहुच गया बारात लग चुकी थी । वहाॅ पर मुझे हेमंत गुर्दे मिला जिसे मै पहचान नही पाया क्योंकि वह मोटा एवं बिना मुॅंछ का हो चुका है । वहीं मुझे डाॅं विवेक मिला जो हमारे साथ मे रहता था । मिलकर अत्यंत प्रसंन्नता हुई । दो . दो जाम लगने के बाद हम लोग बारात स्थल की ओर चल पडे,   साथ मे मनीश के अन्य मि़त्र भी थे ।

        लगभग दो घंटे नाचने के बाद काफी थकान हो चुकी थी । मश्तिश्क ने कार्य करना बंद कर दिया था । मुझे काॅलेज  के दिन याद आ गये । स्वागत होने के बाद मनीश की खिल्ली उडाने का दैार चलता रहा । अब जयमाला का समय पास आ चुका है और भाभी  जी ने हमारी जगह ले ली है । स्टेज पर मनीश बहुत डरा हुआ जान पड रहा है । मनीश और भाभी की उचाई एक जैसी है इसलिये जयमाला मे काई अडचन नही  हुई ।

      मै, हेमंत और अन्य मित्र स्टेज  से उतरकर पेट पूजा के लिये निकल पडे । खाने मे दाल, चावल, रोटी, पुडी, फलकी, मंगाडे, जलेबी, गुलाब जामुन, आइस क्रीम थे । मेने मा़त्र रोटी, चावल, दाल एवं जलेबी खायी । मनीश एवं भाभी खाने के लिये आ चुके थे । मनीश  ने भाभी को मात्र आधा गुलाब जामुन खिलाया जिसका मुझे बहुत दुख है ।गुलाब जामुन खिलाते समय मनीश  के हाथ कप रहे थे । वह ऐसे बैठा था जेसै दूध का धुला हो ।
इसके पश्चात भाभी चली गयीं । मनीश  भी वस्त्र परिवर्तन के लिये जा चुका  था ।

मेरे,  हेमंत, डाॅं विवेक के बीच पुरानी बातें याद की गई । मनीश  वापस आ गया था । लगभग दो बजे थे । हम लगभग एक घंटे साथ रहे । मनीश अन्य कार्यक्रमो के जा चुका था । हम सभी ने लगभग दो घंटे सो कर बिताये ।  मुझे , हेमंत, डाॅं विवेक की टेन थी । हम वापस अपने घरों की ओर निकल पडे । अनुभव बडा ही सुखद रहा ।