Monday, August 26, 2013

Rahul Gandhi Immature statements: Collection

He himself downgrades his own dignity by his immature statements. I am pointing few of statements. I have given dates of  publication found in the net. These date are not statement dates. He should introspect the statements before delivery. He cannot behave like Dig Vijay Singh ji, Man Mohan Singh Ji and other congress leaders. He could be PM of India and must have statement ship. He must be very careful and alert at the time statement or speech delivery. Sonia Gandhi ji should be inspiration for him. She is very calm and produces statements and speeches very meticulously. He could have workshops with Leaders like L K Advani ji (BJP), Sonia Gandhi ji (Congress), Sushma Swaraj ji(BJP), Janardan Dwivedi ji (Congress). Nitish Kumar ji(JDU), Pranab Mukher Ji ( Congress and President) and many more leaders. As an youth you must learn from these senior leaders.

      1.      New Delhi - 19-Apr-2007
 His family was responsible for the division of Pakistan and the creation of Bangladesh in      1971.

2.      New Delhi - 19-Apr-2007
His family been in power in 1992, it would have stopped Hindu mobs from razing a controversial mosque in Uttar Pradesh they say was built on the site believed to be the birthplace of Hindu god-king Ram.

The destruction of the ancient mosque, when veteran Congress leader P.V. Narasimha Rao was prime minister, triggered some of India’s worst Hindu-Muslim violence.

      3.      Bhopal: 10-Jul-2007
 He felt there was not much difference between the SIMI and RSS as both were "fanatical" and held "fundamentalist" views.

      4.      Darbhanga:   15-Feb-2010
 “India can change only if Gujarat changed first.”
Later he modified by saying It's my mistake, I said Gujarat instead of Bihar by mistake.

      5.      New Delhi: WikiLeaks - 18-Dec-2010
 A WikiLeaks cable quoting Rahul Gandhi as saying that “radicalized Hindu groups” may be a bigger danger than Islamist terrorists fetched a quick clarification from the Congress general secretary Friday that both “terrorism and communalism of all kinds” posed major threats to India.

      6.      Bhubaneswar - 14-Jul-2011
       A day after serial blasts rocked Mumbai, Rahul Gandhi today said it is "very difficult" to stop every single terror attack but asserted that 99 per cent of the strikes in the country have been stopped due to vigilance and intelligence efforts.The AICC General Secretary also patted the government for the manner in which it responded to the latest attack, saying the response was prompt.

      7.      UP : 14-Nov-2011
 he asked UP youth "till when you would migrate to Maharashtra looking for the job and begging for food

      8.  Chandigarh: 11-Oct-2012

         "Seven out of 10 youth in Punjab have drug problems." 

         "A diplomat told me that 21st century's Saudia Arabia is India."
      9.      UP: 14-Apr-2012
   "I am a Brahmin...and general secretary in the party."

      10.   07 Mar 2013
   Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday said that he was not interested in becoming the Prime Minister of the country.

       11.  Lucknow: 6-Aug-2013
     “Poverty is just a state of mind” 

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